You are

your ancestor´s wildest dream

Finding your Power through Ancestral Connection

Ancestral Trauma

Ancestral trauma keeps us stuck in old patterns and behaviour. Transforming it free us.

Ancestral Connection

Ancestral connection is what fuels us with the power and wisdom of our lineage.

Finding, who you truly are

Unlock Your Full Potential. Say Hello to


Who are you behind the layers of epigenetic programming and ancestral trauma and patterns? Oftentimes we wish for „another me“ or „another life“, but we don’t know how to create it. What if you would not have to optimize and coach yourself anymore, but just reconnect with yourself and your lineage to find all the answers?

You sometimes feel that there is another you existing inside of you?

In some moments an unexplicable energy holds you back to fulfil your dreams?

You have done all the self-optimization work and the self-help workshops and still feel your questions have been unanswered?

You get the idea, but have issues to embody it?

Welcome to heronhel.
Here we help you to remember who your truly are and to embody your truth.
And your truth only.

Goals & Visions

release of transgenerational trauma, transformation of old belief system

Relationships & Self Care

release of intergenerational trauma, clearing of passed on trauma & beliefs

Stress & Emotions

release of depressing or negativ thought patterns, reducing passed on fears and release drama

Power & Wisdom

Connecting to powerful ancestors, opening of nurturing and supporting energies

What Is Ancestral Work?
Who is it for?

Connecting and working with our ancestors allows us to trans- form the legacy of trauma, pain and abuse, some of which has been passed down through generations, restoring positive flow.

Through lineage healing, you can experience peace and freedom in the here and now. You can transform negative and destructive family patterns into blessings. This can create health on all levels, strengthen self-esteem and develop a clear vision.

Who are the Ancestors?

Our ancestors are all those who came before us and no longer walk in this world. They are all those who made sure that we now walk in this body in this world. Our ancestors live on in us and through us, we carry their DNA within us – physically, emotionally, spiritually. Even if we don’t know our ancestors, have no information or are adopted, they work and we can work with them.

Ancestral Healing

Ancient wisdom and modern techniques combine in the work with the ancestors – so can no longer conscious issues and blockages in the lineage loosen. Connection with the ancestors was an integral part of European culture and healing before Christianization. Working with the ancestors has an impact not only on us personally, but on our whole family system. And at the same time, ancestor work can also bring about cultural healing. For us and the next seven generations.

Ancestral Connection

Conscious Ancestral Connection helps us to reintegrate into our lineage and create a powerful connection to our ancestors. Especially when living on a land, that is not the land of our ancestors, rooting wthin ancestral connection can be a very powerful practice.

Ancestral Practice

Ancestral Practices deeply connect us to the wisdom of our lineages. This does not mean we have to live like 1000 years ago. And at the same time it is a reminder to root into the embodies practices of everyday. Ancestral Practice can exist in a modern everyday life in a adapted and powerful way.

Ancestral Wisdom

Even if we oftentimes about the heavy energy in our lineages, there also is a deep wisdom that we can connect to. Deepening this practice and finding the peaceful ancestors that hold this energy can have a profound impact in our life in the here and now. 

Kaja Andrea

I am the founder of heronhel, Ancestral Healer & Master Coach. I believe that you are your ancestor’s wildest dream, and that it is time to embody it.  With heronhel I created a platform that helps you do exactly that – finding your true vision, remembering your true self and creating a life that is truly yours.



„I am so grateful for my work with Kaja. It has been a true blessing as I have been dealing with some serious business and relationship blocks. She helped me find the root of my issues and it feels like a weight has been lifted off me. I have found my focus again and I am ready to take the next steps on a positive path. I highly recommend her! Thank you so much! Love & Light!s.“


„Our session led to a thorough resolution of blockages, which is still ongoing.

Kaja’s work was a powerful part in clearing my pschychological debris. I am very grateful for that.“

Cheryl E.

„I am so grateful for my session with Kaja. Not only was it super informative and full of new and inspiring insights, but it was also insanely powerful in terms of changing my energy field. I was amazed at the amount of emotions I was able to let go during and after the session. i feel lighter, hopeful and positively excited for what is to come. Thank you.“

Nicky Jones

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!